What a Wiser Commercial Property Inspection Covers
A commercial property inspection by Wiser Property Inspections is a lot more than just a typical home inspection. It includes assessments on any feature of the property that can be safely, visibly and accessibly tested. This means that it’s not just limited to a pre-determined standardized list, but includes a customized audit of all major building components like energy consumption, plumbing and electrical systems, fire safety, heating and air conditioning systems, industrial machinery, depreciation of equipment aside from all visible building structures.
Wiser Property Inspections has the capabilities in professionally handling commercial property inspections in Houston to help you make wise investment decisions. We are qualified and experienced in inspecting commercial properties ranging from commercial spaces to apartment buildings.
Whether you are considering purchasing, selling, leasing, refinancing or opening a business, our thorough and professional commercial property inspection is an invaluable aid that will lead you to the right business track.
How long does a Wiser commercial property inspection take?
The amount of time it takes will depend on the size of the property, its components and what needs to be inspected. Roughly, it could take anywhere from 4 hours to several days.
At Wiser Property Inspection or WPI, it is against our policy to schedule more than one commercial inspection within the same day. This is to assure our clients their property will be given all the time it needs for a full and comprehensive evaluation.

Is your presence required during a Houston commercial property inspection?
We definitely want to have you present during the entire inspection. We see this as a very good opportunity for you to learn more about the property. You’ll get to ask questions as we go along and we can give you specific tips and advice. Pointing out issues and seeing them directly also make it easier for you to understand what it’s all about rather than just reading it from a report. Ultimately, it will be to your benefit if you can make it during the entire inspection.
However, we also understand that your time is valuable and you may not be able to stay for the entire commercial property inspection. If so, we recommend you or your representative with technical expertise to at least be there when we inspect machinery or equipment that is unique to your type of business. Otherwise, try to be there towards the end of the inspection so we can discuss identified defects.
What to Expect from a Wiser Property Inspection commercial inspection Report
A commercial inspection report by Wiser Property Inspections gives you a detailed and complete evaluation of all the structural, operational and other specialized systems of the property. It details each and every component, which includes its full description and present condition. If certain components are not in good condition, the report includes recommendations, degrees of priority and cost estimates and time frames for repairs or replacements.
There may be cases when a full report is not necessary, like when you know for sure that you’ll be replacing parts of the property (i.e. air conditioning system, doors or roofs). In these cases, you may opt to exclude those items from the report.
What’s your assurance that the repairs and replacements we suggest are really necessary?
We are solely a property inspection company. We are not in the business of repairing properties and are not affiliated with any. This is an assurance that whatever repairs or replacements we recommend are not motivated by personal interest, but only by our duty to ensure that you get a clear picture of what it takes for this investment undertaking .…before it’s too late.
For more information about commercial property inspections in Houston, call us at 713.444.2502 or email us at wiserproinspect@comcast.net. To request for a proposal for your commercial property inspection, please fill-in this form.